Sök video
- 3# Let's Headshot! HEADSHOT PARTY!!! brought to you by your favorite(?) commentator Akilles of Sweden. In this epic episode of lets headshot you will see such things as headshots, rage, and my incress
Games We Play
- 3# Akilles & Blackarm Play CS GO LORD BLACKARMINGTON!!! brought to you by your favorite(?) commentators Akilles of Sweden and Blackarm. In this video we will play cs go and the gamemode demolition. We
- 2# Let's Play Titanfall (Militia) WHO IS SMARTER THEN THE SMART PISTOL? brought to you by Akilles of Sweden. In this episode I will play the mission odyssey using the smart pistol as my persona Akille
- CS GO Tutorial: HOW TO PLAY COMPETITIVE / MATCHMAKING!!! brought to you by AkillesOfSweden. In this video you will learn about how to start playing classic competitive in counter strike global offensi
- 1# Let's Play Titanfall (Milita) HOPEFULLY NOT LIKE BRINK!!! brought to you by AkillesOfSweden. In the first episode of let's play titanfall we get to meet our main character called Akilles MCAwesome.