- This is such a ridiculous prank! The poor little boy dropped his change on the ground, when the victims pick it up, his head is now a basketball and his basketball is now a head! You'd even expect the
- They're back! And this time, they performed another chart-topping hit.
Sophia Grace and Rosie sang ³Rolling in the Deep." From rap to a soulful
jazz song, these two always know how to work the crowd
- This is my new music video "Hollywood". And it's animated! I never though I would ever get to be animated! I'm the blocky fellow with yellow pixels on top! And we even got Will Smith in it! I hope y'a
- Victims are asked to participate in a "Name The Celebrity" quiz. Unfortunately, the sneaky buzzer slides right and left making it impossible to push it and giving enough time for the creepy old lady t