- Hej alla!! Här är min Call of Duty Modern warefare 2 video ;) Jag tog bilder från kampanjen med Ctrl + Prnt skärmen och redigerade dem tillsammans! Jag är ganska glad över slutresultatet:) Jag gjorde
- Warning: Since this video seems to have gone crazy, I figure I'll post this notice. I'm going to read a letter my 15 year old daughter wrote. There ARE some curse words in it. None of them are incredi
- Music video by Goliath And The Giants performing Island In The Sun. (C) 2011 Goliath And The Giants, Giant Music.
- Monkey Stick Figure - Don't you take my banana
Music would be: System of a Down - Fuck the system
I was inspirated by: stickpage, xiao xiao, asdf movie, lazer collection, newgrounds and other stic
- Slumpvist utvalda Stockholmare berättar vilken låt de lyssnar på i sina hörlurar.
1 Usher: U Got It Bad
2 Fu Manchu: Evil Eye
3 Håkan Hellström: Ramlar
4 Funny van Dannen: Guten Aben