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- Oleg - Elektropop HD (Idol 2011)
Årets nya höstplåga:P
Rudenko - Everybody
- Rundenko - Everybody
- Dj artisten David Guetta med låten love is gone. I vidion ser vi en hjärtkrossad servetris på arbetet.
- Låten The voice of mayhem med artisterna Daymar, Angerfist, Outblast och korsakoff under Masters Of Hardcore.
B4You - NightWolf
- DOWNLOAD http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/406348
My New Track i Made in Fl Studio 9 Hope You Enjoy! Please Comment!
Love Wolfs ;-)
Track: B4You - NightWolf
- Music: Cookie Monsta - Optimus Prime.
Dubstep Freestyle Dance By Jay Garderis