- Get the song off iTunes :) (will be up shortly) http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/i-just-held-hands-single/id424291063
Get a physical copy of my original EP "Dinner and a Movie" and a new shirt here
- Rucka Rucka Ali's latest song: Jews and Faggots
Was originally released on 7/November/2011
Not intended for hate speech, just for jokes, if anything is true in this video, then it is purely coinci
- Sometimes it's easy to over indulge in the college experience, but the only thing harder than being the waistband around a fat chick is being her boyfriend.
- CS GO UPDATE: INTRODUCING CZ57-Auto!!! brought to you by Akilles of Sweden. In this video I will show you the new pistol called cz57-auto. You will get some facecam gameplay combined with some crappy