- En artist som kallar sig Azr har gjort en inspirerande hyllningslåt till Steve Jobs. Låten innehåller bara ljud från Apple-produkter, samt rösten av Steve Jobs från hans berömda tal till studenter.
- Klicka gärna in på Facebook och gilla för bilder och framtida filmer:
Klicka också gärna in och gilla Ridestore och Existenz!
- Bullens pilsnerkorv. Its a Swedish sausage. AND ITS DELICIOUS!
Not fine with it? Eat a rock, hater, and call the care-police.
We had a few projects along with the university. Now, they are done. S
- We were all surprised when we saw Sophia Grace and Rosie's amazing performance of Super Bass on YouTube, but today the surprise was on them! These two girls had no idea they'd get the chance to meet t