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RC-XD (Fpsrussia) 01:29
- RC-XD (Fpsrussia) Epic video där han testar sin RC-XD!
Coolt 18 sep 2011   Av: alext97   Klick: 4 835  
Black Ops Mythbusters: Episode 1 03:37
- Defend the House is proud to announce the first installment of the Call of Duty Black Ops Mythbusters series! In this episode we put some of our favorite myths and the most asked questions to the test
Spel 12 jan 2011   Av: Robbz-96   Klick: 3 820  
- black ops cod call of duty kill med en rcxd hehe
Spel 20 jul 2011   Av: p0ntusa   Klick: 1 951  
Koolingen76 - How did that just happen? 00:19
- Can anyone explain how it became like that? I dont think so. Flying cars? This game needs to get a bit more realistic i think. Hod did i die by an explosion wich was around 250 in-game meters a
Coolt 2 jun 2011   Klick: 2 780  
Koolingen76 - Can a RC-XD be pwned? 00:26
- Seems so....
Spel 5 maj 2011   Klick: 2 831