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Moa Lignell - When I held ya (LYRICS) (Idol 2011) 02:31
- I can't afford this art (/heart?) Still I am responsible If it will fall apart Believe me, I don't want to go You won't believe it's true When I tell you 'bout my feelings And what you're su
Musik 7 sep 2011   Av: ZentroX90   Klick: 7 938  
Vinnaren i Chinas Got Talent 07:06
- Vinnaren in kinesiska Talang blev en armlös man som kan simma, sjunga, spela piano etc utan sina armar. Hans namn är Liu Wei. Sköna citat från honom: "I have two options - I can die as fast as possib
Coolt 14 okt 2010   Av: Jesper   Klick: 5 853  
- facebook.com/williamofotboll Real Madrid outclassed Ajax tonight in the Santiago Bernabéu, after beating the Dutch side by 3-0. Cristiano Ronaldo added another goal to his tally, but it was Kaká who
Sport 28 sep 2011   Av: williamo9   Klick: 3 568  
Fotbolls Fail! 00:51
- liten kille får bollen rakt i ansiktet!
Olyckor 27 jul 2011   Av: ZentroX90   Klick: 2 745