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- "Spinning back heel kick" den här killen skall tydligen vara ganska känd
Coolt 16 jun 2011   Av: Daenon   Klick: 3 878  
"Ravishing" Rick Rude Titantron 02:27
- This is a custom titantron I made for another one of WWE's top legends, Rick Rude. Rick Rude was a true legend, and will forever be remembered. I did my best and enjoy! RIP Rick Rude 1958-1999
Spel 29 apr 2012   Av: russelgorillaz   Klick: 3 308  
Ghost K -Stop! (blue mix) 03:33
- We express the same things but with different words We acknowledge the same curve and those might-have-heareds Just like the last line you draw to remind of past-time A fast-winded feeling of fre
Musik 31 aug 2013   Av: Daenon   Klick: 2 115