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I Just Got Ganked (LoL Parody) 03:06
- Summoner names: Pen 1sland, crispnugget, Candeezy, xlxjoelxlx, o rizzy o Server: NA Thank you LoL without you guys I would not have got the inspiration to make this. AutoTune FTW!! Thank you to
Parodier 12 aug 2011   Av: Hassman   Klick: 3 252  
League Of Legends Top 5 Plays Week 6 03:21
- ~Sign up for league of legends at http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?ref=4de9ac1e0f8d2343455063 ~FaceBook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Protatomonster/118218531598190 ~Twitter: http://www.twitter.c
Övrigt 12 aug 2011   Av: Hassman   Klick: 3 352