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"Ravishing" Rick Rude titantron 02:51
- This is a titantron for the one and only "Ravishing" Rick Rude. One of the greatest I.C. champions of all time, though he may be gone...his memory will live forever, and he is now showing heaven what
TV-klipp 29 apr 2012   Av: russelgorillaz   Klick: 4 055  
"Ravishing" Rick Rude Titantron 02:27
- This is a custom titantron I made for another one of WWE's top legends, Rick Rude. Rick Rude was a true legend, and will forever be remembered. I did my best and enjoy! RIP Rick Rude 1958-1999
Spel 29 apr 2012   Av: russelgorillaz   Klick: 3 306